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Mo Vase

Escher Theories

The Concept

M. Escher was a great artist that created a world of contradictions, things that looked impossible to be and yet our eyes tricked our mind to see what could be. His work was astonishing to say the least and a lot was incredible and relatable to tridimensional worlds that we thought couldn't exist.

The Approach

We studied the impossible worlds of Mr. Escher to find a clue to create something impossible, we found a concept so interesting that could be translated to the physical world and this was the positive to negative transitions, surfaces that can start as the outside and by sequence transform into the inside.

The solution

We developed a parametric modeling program that “twisted” the geometry of a vase to convert the inside surfaces into the outside shell of the vase. An object that was designed to be almost impossible to create in the physical world in part because of all the angles that create the vase, a parametric solution that can be replicated by a 3d printing process.

Year /

Client /
Studio Project

Creative Direction /
Victor Alemán + Ismael Porras

Awards /
Luis Abarca

Photography /
Victor Alemán