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Miss Eames

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Small Architecture

The Brief

Furniture is an extension of architecture, it is a complement of space, they work together to create harmony. Function is achieved through the mix of both where empty spaces need objects to serve and as partners they have to be designed in the same terms.

The Approach

Transferring the concepts that govern the architectural creation and applying them to the design of residential furniture we can identify the details that make iconic architectural buildings and create pieces of a sculptural impact on a smaller scale.

The solution

Mastering the process of bending wood has given birth to this object that features a geometrical intersection of its 3 legs, a technical feat achieved through meticulous digital and artisanal methods. The shape of Aero is an ingenious solution that creates a sculptural piece the size of a stool to look as a small building.

Year /

Client /

Creative Direction /
Victor Alemán

Design Team /
Marianne Carrasco + Natalia Guzmán

Photography /
Ismael Porras

Production Insight